Magic Sword

Magic Sword
Date added: Unknown
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Game Information:
Magic Sword (Japanese: マジックソード?), fully titled as Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy, is a side-scrolling fantasy arcade game released by Capcom in 1990. The game casts the player as a hero who must fight his way through a mystical tower in order to save the world. The player can use a sword, axe or magic, and can also rescue and recruit potential allies of various character classes, each of which has his or her own special abilities. Three years earlier, Capcom had released the similar Black Tiger in 1987.
How to play:
↑ = up
→ = right
↓ = down
← = left
Z = A Button
X = B Button
A = X Button
S = Y Button
Q = L Button
E = R Button
Shift = Select
Enter = Start