Mario’s Early Years Fun with Letters

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Mario’s Early Years Fun with Letters

Mario’s Early Years Fun with Letters

Date added: Unknown


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5 out of 5 based on 1648 ratings.

Game Information:

In Mario’s Early Years Fun with Letters, children are introduced to the fundamentals of letters and sounds by way of numerous learning worlds: Alphabet, Vowel, First Letter, Last Letter, Building, Sound, Sentence, and more. Your child simply guides Mario, selecting objects on the screen which Mario bonks and bounces through, frequently affirming your child’s correct choice. Through the MARIO’S EARLY YEARS Series children will discover the world around them by exploring the elements of that world.

How to play:

↑ = up
→ = right
↓ = down
← = left

Z = A Button
X = B Button
A = X Button
S = Y Button

Q = L Button
E = R Button

Shift = Select
Enter = Start

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